Global network

Corporate Lines

Global capabilities through network

  • Being part of RSA's Global Network, we are capable of insuring complex risks across the globe.
  • Locally issued policies in more than 170 countries and territories.
  • Global claims are handled locally by a network of trusted claims agents.
  • Local underwriting expertise for complex risks.
  • The network is managed by our Risk Solutions team.

"In 2022, we went from having approximately 10 engineers that we collaborate with to now 165. It makes a big difference that through the engineering network we can be out with the customer to a greater extent and actually inspect their companies when signing them in, and we get to know the details faster and to a significant greater extent than before. We often do not have permission to enter factories in for example, the USA or China – this requires some local permissions, which our engineering network has."

-Jens Iwanouw, Chief Engineer